Virgin Red

Generating Loyalty through Customer Propositions

1 min read
Service Design
Design Research
Behavioural Science
travel & tourism
situation & task

Defining Innovative Customer Propositions to Generate Loyalty

Virgin is one of the world’s most recognisable brands, admired for its unique and innovative customer experiences, and its spirit of enjoyment and entrepreneurship.  It is continuously exploring ways of improving its customer experience and rewarding loyal customers. With a number of diverse organisations across sectors including travel, leisure, finance and media, it wanted to find a way to ensure its brand values could be consistently applied in the services that its many customers received.

Spotless was asked to help define innovative ways to bring the brand values to life and rewards customers for their loyalty.


Holistic Co-Creation for Lasting Impressions

Spotless started with the inspiration provided by Virgin’s core brand values.  Virgin is a brand renowned for its fun and surprises, and for making life more enjoyable - fantastic ingredients for the creative ideation process.

An essential part of the brief was to further the Virgin’s focus on caring for people and the planet.

Our work is always based on understanding customer needs and motivations - so we talked to customers about what makes them loyal to their favourite brands, and what makes them feel rewarded for that loyalty.

Technology and data was our next core enabler - providing new capabilities to provide more personalised and relevant experiences.  

This enabled us to define a Customer Experience Vision, supported by four core experience principles.  Using stimulus from best practice, feedback from our customer interviews and technology innovation, we were able to translate the vision into customer experience journey maps - highly visual maps tuned to the different personas attracted to the Virgin Brand.

at a glance


In-depth interviews, dynamic co-creation workshops, quantitative study, future state map

User-centric co-creation

Spotless involved in-depth interviews with rail commuters and dynamic workshops

Visionary future state map

The state map provided directional guidance for creating a compelling ticketing service with a built-in loyalty scheme

Spotless package recommendation

Totally Understand Your Customer; Design Your Future


A Visionary Future State Map for Transformation

The Customer Experience Vision, Experience Principles and Visualised Journey Maps provide Virgin with a cross portfolio definition of what it means to provide a consistent customer experience alive with the brand values, and to reward loyal customers.

The cross portfolio approach provides defined opportunities for the group companies to work more collaboratively to provide more joined up experiences, in which Virgin customers can be rewarded for extending their loyalty to other Virgin organisations.  The Vision is used as an inspiration to help customers find new experiences offered by Virgin, and continually find new ways of bringing the sense of joy and surprise to the everyday lives of Virgin customers.


Direct insights from our valued partners, capturing the essence of Spotless collaborations.

“Spotless don’t retell stories, they get to know our business, repurpose our insight, identify the gaps and create innovative solutions."

Nicola Charlton, Research & Insight Manager
Tyl by Natwest

"We required 'out of the box' thinking, meticulous attention to detail, an instinctive understanding of game design and a high-level of UX expertise. We got all of this and more."


"Spotless worked with us as our business partner, always going the extra mile to ensure our needs were met in a professional and timely manner."

Sharon Stinton, Learning & Development Leader
GE Money

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